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  1. Reload the page;
  2. Clear the cache in your browser;
  3. Try another browser;
  4. Disable/Enable VPN.

If these steps do not help, please contact our support at: [email protected] or use this link. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

Please fill in transaction details

1 BTC ~ 31.53547607 ETH
Enter payout address
FIO protocol names are supported
Enter your promo code
Enter your BTC refund address
Advanced settings

Useful tips to know

We will process your transaction even if you:

  • Send a deposit in the wrong network, if this asset is supported on our service

  • Create a transaction with a wrong coin

  • Select an amount and then send a different one

  • Send more than one deposit for the same transaction

  • Send a deposit long after the exchange was created or completed

We will not be able to proceed with the transaction on the initial terms if you:

  • Send a deposit for a fixed-rate exchange after the rate expires, provided that the rate declines over this timeframe

  • Make a transaction using the wrong contract address

In these cases, we encourage you to contact our support team. The exchange can be continued from there, or alternatively, you are free to request a refund.

How to cancel an exchange:

  • cancel icon

    If you didn’t send any funds yet, there is no need to cancel the transaction, you can simply create a new one

  • cancel icon

    If you have already sent the funds for the exchange, immediately contact our support team for assistance

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  • Сashback for every exchange
  • Benefits and security features
  • Exclusive offers
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Useful tips to know

We will process your transaction even if you:

  • Send a deposit in the wrong network, if this asset is supported on our service

  • Create a transaction with a wrong coin

  • Select an amount and then send a different one

  • Send more than one deposit for the same transaction

  • Send a deposit long after the exchange was created or completed

We will not be able to proceed with the transaction on the initial terms if you:

  • Send a deposit for a fixed-rate exchange after the rate expires, provided that the rate declines over this timeframe

  • Make a transaction using the wrong contract address

In these cases, we encourage you to contact our support team. The exchange can be continued from there, or alternatively, you are free to request a refund.

How to cancel an exchange:

  • cancel icon

    If you didn’t send any funds yet, there is no need to cancel the transaction, you can simply create a new one

  • cancel icon

    If you have already sent the funds for the exchange, immediately contact our support team for assistance